Author 24 Chasa, Liliana Trankova, Dimcho Raikov, Liliana Klisurova, 14. 08. 05
Date 17 August 2005

The coastline is tempting with sunken ships and picturesque caves The extreme sports found a new thrill by the sea- diving underwater with full equipment. In spite of the mass apprehension that the debris of the Black Sea cannon offer anything but sandy bottom and rocks, everyone who has dived once can never forget the experience. There is no age restriction on those who wish to try it. The only condition of the instructors is the physical health and the adventurous spirit of the divers. The receptions of all the hotels on the northern part of the Black sea coast are already offering the coordinates of several firms, which offer diving. The professional divers with own equipment are considering the client’s wishes. 15- 20 minutes of preparation on the coast are enough for everyone who wish to dive with a professional instructor. Most of the tourists who practice the interesting sport are young people. Elderly people are no exception when it comes to summer emotions. The divers have prepared different routes with interesting and exotic sites. One of the most beautiful resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast Golden sands, offers a lot of interesting sites for observing. The dipping here is between 4 and 20 meters. The adventurers can enjoy the underwater remains of a sunken iron ship and an old sailing craft, which are 10 meters underwater. Several medieval ships, sunken village from the bronze epoch and an antique necropolis were found nearby the site Shablenska touzla. Nowadays along these coasts a high magnet anomaly is measured, which explains why the old ships took the ground. This is exclusively interesting for the divers and archeologists. During the 70s last century a storm threw the Greek ship “Anna Maria” on the coast in Durankulak. Nearby Krapets are the remains of “Kostas”. They can be seen even today. The shallow sites nearby Tulenovo are a real cemetery for old ships. Except for that the divers will offer you an exciting dip in caves 10- 12 meters underwater. Unforgettable dip is offerd by the professional divers nearby Kamen Bryag. Tourists can see picturesque caves and rock monasteries 6- 12 meters underwater. The dips nearby cape Kaliakra are from 8 to 20 meters underwater. The cape is unique with its history and the only shell plantation in the country. 21 meters underwater and 4 kilometers away from Albena can be found the remains of a sunken ship which can be observed with appropriate equipment. Incredible view underwater and beautiful flora and fauna can be seen along the coastline of vacation site Roussalka. You can enjoy the remains of a sunken town in the site Chirakmana nearby Kavarna. A real attraction in the vicinity of cape Galata are the remains of the sunken Russian submarine “Shtuka”, which is there since the Second World War and was found by Bulgarian explorers in 2000. The dip is 22- 27 meters underwater. Nearby the mouth of Ropotamo river between cape Maslen and cape Korakia are the most interesting sites for diving along the southern part of the black sea. These are the deepest waters, the most vertical rocks and the most interesting fishes. However do not expect to see exotic coral riffs and unique flora. This region offers 3 sites for those who are looking for excitement, but they are heard to reach. There is no land road to those sites; you can only reach it by boat. Very popular is the St Paraskeva bay also famous as Buhtite. It is surrounded by high and steep rocks. Also interesting is Zigrata bay. Connoisseurs say that the rarest fishes in Bulgaria can be seen there. Remains from ancient times can be seen on the bottom of the Nessebar bay, where underwater diving is developed ad a tourist attraction. According to professionals very interesting is the underwater coast around St Ivan Island which is carved by number of small caves. A specialized school in Sunny Beach is offering one day tutorial course. Tourists from UK are keen on the exciting sport. They are very interested to explore the remains from ancient times just next to the modern hotels. Very often tourists take out of the water pieces of antique Greek amphora, which they take back home as a souvenir. Who lives in the Black Sea? The Bulgarian part of the black sea coast is not as colourful as the tropical seas, buts its unrevealed secrets is attracting underwater divers. The Black sea inhabitants have their preferences for the different regions of the coastline. The turbot can be seen during the early spring in the shallow waters in the northern parts of the Bulgarian coast. He is so sure in his coloration that the people can touch it by hand. His eyes are like periscopes and are following you carefully. The spring is a time for the love game of the dragonflies and needle fishes. The dragonflies are one of the symbols of the Black sea fauna. They are actually fishes with swimmerets and grills. They are very slow, because they are swimming in a vertical position with just one flipper. They don’t like to swim and prefer to rest hidden among the seaweed. Along the sandy bottom are loitering small snails. They are actually hermit- crabs who have found a “house”. The rocks along the Bulgarian coastline are very picturesque- covered with a coloured carpet of green, red and brawn seaweed, which are moving together with the waves. Silver flows of gray mullets are darting above the seaweed. Deeper on can be found their cousins- the grey mullets. Another interesting inhabitant of the black sea is the sea- anemone. During the night it is opening its tentacles like a bright red flower and that is why it is also called the “sea- chrysanthemum”. The nightlife in the sea is totally different. A lot of the fishes are sleeping, others are hunting. There are no dangerous predators in the Black sea.

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